Category Archives: dogs

New Year fizzle

So 2016 hasn’t exactly started off as amazingly as I was hoping, in fact it’s been quite the fizzle.
Bolt, my sisters beautiful dog, that I have blogged about many times, is unwell. Last night NYE, we noticed some swelling in his ear flap and this morning the Vet has confirmed that it is a blood clot and that Bolt would need to be operated on. 
Bolt has always had problems with his ears but nothing this extreme – he didn’t appear to be in any pain or discomfort last night, nor this morning but he did start shaking his head vigorously again which according to the vet is what has caused the blood clot in the first place. 
For a 13 year old dog surgery of any kind is a big deal, so we are all anxious at the moment, it doesn’t help that Bolt is actually my nephews dog and he is currently overseas. 

So to reiterate 2016 has not begun as I had hoped!! Get well Bolt xxx


The dreaded summer itch

  Dexter is suffering with the dreaded summer itch again!!! We have wandering Jew in our garden and he must rub himself all over it I swear because as soon as Spring and Summer hit, his skin just flares up.
It’s constant scratching and licking his paws are red and he has patches where the hair is gone from all the scratching.
Last year one of my friends gave me a spray bottle filled with watered down pinetarsal that seemed to help a little, but this year it’s just not working at all.

I have been researching on the Internet, and the home remedies vary from sea water to apple cider vinegar, to olive oil and bicarbonate of soda. 

I’m thinking a trip to the vet and an Elizabethan collar might be my only option at this stage.

Can’t believe I have been lucky enough not to have any of my children suffer from allergies, who would have thought my fur child would.
Does anyone have any other suggestions?? 

Hot cars kill dogs!! 

Despite all the media attention and all the warnings it still never ceases to amaze me how silly/blaze/cruel some people can be when it comes to leaving their pets inside a car on a hot over 30 degrees day!!

Today a beautiful little staffy girl was left to overheat inside a car in 30 degrees heat with only 3 fingers of open window!!! 

By the time someone spotted her the poor thing was in a fair amount of distress. 

Fortunately the owner was inside our building waiting for his son who was at the dentist. My curt PA announcement had him quickly running back to his car. Otherwise my next step would have been to call the police. 

Thankfully in this instance the Staffy was ok. Some water and the coolness of an air conditioned environment helped to quickly cool her down. 

The owner even thanked me on his way out. I hope that this will be a lesson to him and that he will never do that again. Leaving your dog in the car on a hot day is a criminal offence!!