Category Archives: beware

Cat vision


There is nothing as terrifying as walking into a semi dark room and seeing your cat staring at something that you cannot see, but you know is definitely there and is probably something utterly terrifying like a spider or a bug or worse still a disgusting cockroach!!


Another 40 degree day in Melbourne and as the children prepared to jump into the pool, my dad went out to scoop up any leaves that may have fallen into the water from the wind only to find a poor little noisy miner stuck in the middle of the pool trying desperately to swim to the edge. Dad managed to scoop the poor thing up, we wrapped him in a towel and tried to calm him and give him some water – it didn’t look good for the little bird I must say – shock is a big killer of birds and this little miner was only young. We left the little bird in a cool corner and kept a eye on him from time to time. It took a while but gradually he started to move and then finally he took off. You cannot imagine how relieved we all were that the little bird had survived, hopefully he has been reunited with his Family and will go on to have many more adventures.

It is important this time of year to be extra mindful of our pets and to ensure they are not left outside in the scorching heat. We should also remember our native wildlife and leave plenty of cool fresh water around our gardens for them as well.

If you do suspect that your pet is suffering from heatstroke you must act quickly, heatstroke can kill within minutes.


Eaten by a snake


I am an animal lover it is no secret, I love all animals especially dogs and cats, but I have a extra soft spot for birds. I love birds, especially parrots. I have two parrots Stan who is a South American Quaker parrot and Molly a beautiful Rainbow Lorikeet.

Last week my friend and Colleague popped in for a coffee and was admiring my birds, she told me about her mums bird which is also a Lorikeet called Georgie and how friendly she was.

Today while we were at work my colleague/friend received a text from her mum to say that Georgie had just been eaten by a snake. We were both shocked and saddened, when my friend text back to ask her mum how she knew that Georgie had been eaten by a snake her mum sent back this photo. If you look closely you can see poor Georgie yet to be digested inside the snake.

I wanted to share this photo because I thought it would serve as a timely reminder with summer fast approaching. I am so glad my birds live inside. Poor little Georgie. R.I.P.