Category Archives: Celebration

Happy Easter

Happy Easter WordPress I hope everyone had a lovely day with family and friends. If you are lucky like me you get to do it all over again next week for Greek Easter.

For our family it was a double celebration, Easter and the twins birthday family celebrations – 13 is quite a milestone one that should be celebrated several times – at least we think so. 



April Fools day babiesĀ 

Well today is the day!! My beautiful babies have now turned 13 years old. I couldn’t have wished for a better April Fools days surprise!! As of today I am the mother of not one, not two, but three teenagers and surprisingly that thought does not scare me as much as it no doubt should. 



Happy Valentine’s Day Worpress

Just wanted to wish all my amazing friends on WordPress a very Happy a Valentine’s Day.

Hope you all have an amazing day celebrating with that special someone or just celebrating with the people you love.

Come to think of it, I think everyday should be Valentine’s Days.


Image courtesy of Google images

Australia Day celebrations

Today was a lovely day with family celebrating Australia Day!!

The sun was shining and my sister prepared some traditional Aussie treats.

The champagne was flowing and we had a wonderful time as we always do when we are together.

Guess the only not so good thing is that it’s back to work tomorrow.






Another Christmas over

Christmas is finally over what a relief!! Christmas Eve at mums was just lovely – I know I have probably already mentioned this before but I prefer Christmas Eve to Christmas Day and even though this year my gorgeous nephew was missing , we still had a wonderful night.

Christmas Day was wonderful too though, we got perfect weather and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. The food was plentiful – in fact we had so much left over that I won’t need to cook for the rest of the week. The turducken I am happy to report was surprisingly nice and moist and even though I couldn’t really taste the duck, the turkey and chicken was nice so was the stuffing. My brother in law took photos of the Turducken he was really impressed with it. Christmas Day finally came to an end at 9:30pm. I was exhausted but very happy.

I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas too.








Last day of primary school

Today was the last day of primary school for my twins. As of next year they will be heading off to high school embarking on the next phase of their lives.

The future is exciting and filled with so many possibilities. All I could think of was how it had felt waking them into the school on their first day of prep. How excited they had been and how nervous, it’s like we have come full circle in 6 weeks I will be waking them into high school. How quickly the time has passed.

To signify the end of the year, the school hosted an all school assembly and all the Grade 6 children got to stand up the front and perform their grade 6 graduation song which this year was Justice Crew’s Que Sera.

There were many tears shed, mainly by the mums.

Grade 6 ended with a bang at the after party where the kids got to sing and dance and take lots of selfies.







The end of another era

The end of another era!! My babies have their grade 6 graduation today and as I sit waiting in the amphitheater with all the other parents and grandparents I can’t help thinking how surreal all this feels.

It feels like only yesterday that I was waking them in for their first day of prep.

There is a buzz of excitement in the theatre as we wait for our children to step out onto the stage. The lights are dim the performance is about to begin, where are the tissues?









Too much partying

Is there such a thing as too much partying ? If you asked me last month I would have said “No Way “, but ask me tonight after I have been out every single night this week and I am starting to think there actually could be such a thing as too much partying.

The Christmas lead up is always a busy time of year, it’s a time to catch up with family and friends exchange presents and Christmas cards.

I’m feeling excited but so so tired and there are still 21 sleeps left till Christmas.



